There is no better way to complete your guest tables than a bold and beautiful chargers. These basic colours allow for it to match with a wide variety of themes and colours. The perfect way to elevate your guest tables.
Minimum amount order required: 85
Requires separate delivery fees. Delivery & Pickup fees start at $350 up
Our Round Birch Wooden Slabs are perfect if the Walnut Wooden Slabs were a bit too brown for your taste. These make perfect foundations for table centerpieces and come in a mix of white and light brown colors. Depending on the feel you want to achieve, you can place different embellishments on them such as flowers, vintage lanterns, table numbers, and mason jars. Size varies from 8″-9.5″ and some 10″ diameter (most are around 8.5″-9″), and 1″-1.5″ thick. Pricing is PER piece.